COVID-19 Update! 27-11-2021
New Safety Council means new rules. So here we are again… Please read this thoroughly as it will already affect the Youth Competition this weekend.
To summarize the rules:
- Keeping the safety distance and hand hygiëne are required.
- Spectators and teams that are not playing a game are required to wear a mask. From the age of 10!
- Covid Safe Ticket needed for events of >100 spectators.
- Teams that are not playing are not seen as spectators. However a player that mixes with the spectators and goes to sit in the stands, becomes a spectator.
- Covid Safe Ticket is required from the age of 12 years and 2 months.
- No spectators allowed. Teams that are not playing are not seen as spectators.
- As soon as you enter an indoor sports infrastructure, you are obliged to wear a mouth mask from the age of 10.
- Mask mandatory in hallways, stands, changing rooms (except showers), the sports hall until you start.
- Keeping the safety distance and hand hygiëne are required.
- Coaches have to wear a mask.
- Teams that are not playing a game are required to wear a mask at all times, unless for a short drink/eat pauze.
- No mask for players!
Some extra things you can do to limit contact with the other teams during indoor day:
- Go outside between games (but think about your indoor shoes and keep them clean)
- Do the spirit circle outside and stay 1,5m away from each other
- Don’t go and sit near another team
- Keep 1,5m of others while not playing
- Keep more distance during marking.
- Disinfect hands regularly
To all the clubs: Make sure your teams, players, parents, spectators are aware of the new rules and apply them.
If you are hosting a competition day, please inform the attending teams of the rules that will apply. Some cities might be stricter.
Good luck to all of you in the upcoming indoor competitions!
When there is a possible covid case in your team let us know ASAP (maybe even before the results of the test. Then we can already inform other teams)